Wednesday 12 August 2015

WEEK 4 Technology Exploration

Light Intensity to Audible Feedback

This circuit uses the photoresistor to affect the tone coming from a miniature speaker.

The amount of light that the photo-resistor receives corresponds to a change in tone coming from the speaker, providing audible feedback. The sensitivity of the sensor also means it will register a change in movement such as waving a hand back and forth over it.

Object Angle to Audible Feedback 

This circuit uses the tilt sensor as a switch to affect change in tone

The way the tilt sensor works also makes it possible to affect object output by shaking the component up and down

Object Angle to Visual Feedback 

Using the tilt sensor as a switch to turn a light on or off 

Applications for these circuits could include detecting a users body orientation using the tilt sensor, detecting a users linear movement or body position using the photo-resistor and then providing audible feedback in synchronization with those inputs.

-Darcy Storr

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