Saturday 12 September 2015

Reading 1

The messaging kettle Margot Brerenton

The idea of the messaging kettle was to create a new type of communication way that was made possible thanks to interactive technology to assist and support elderly people. The ideas were to maintaining or forge social connection as well as active healthy lifestyle focusing on fostering social engagement rather than monitoring elderly person life.
This reading helped as it raises the importance of using common product that elderly are used to use on a daily bases. This is a good point because elderly are already familiar with those product and don’t have be introduce with new technology therefore there is an already existence connection. Prototyping is mentioned as it is a very important task to do; you can successfully gain valuable feedback from it, better understanding of what users prefers in terms of interaction and what they are more comfortable with.
 The salient point understands the users’ routines and habits, how do they use this particular product and what they are already familiar with. Designers needs to paid attention to these points and then design interaction that revolves around it.
To conclude the thinking behind this article is that elderly people may accept new technology easier if it is part of their already existing and familiar product experiences.

This reading really make me think of how I can make a product that people are familiar with and at the same innovate with so that I know that they have a familiar connection with and yet still be able to achieve a better sleeping experience for my user.

Reading 2
On the ground running: Lessons from experience design Greenfield, A. (2007).

There are a lot of product now that do no longer function as an isolated entity, now many product are being introduce and integrated into part of a network. This raised new type of problem for designers as product that are in a network are dependent from one to another.
The article provide an example where the designer give a poor amount of consideration into the dimension of time and how it affect the product component in the ecosystem, this resulted as a design experience failure. As a result if one component in the system is revisited or one component is the system fails it can compromise the all eco-system as all components are connected and affect one another.

This reading is more about how can our products can interact with each other without being too much or obtrusive. This reading really makes you realize how important it is as well as how invisible it is and yet is the products are not connected smoothly the all design experience can fail as a group.

Reading 3

PEOPLE AND PROTOTYPES, Design Interactions

This article talks about the interactive design, the experience design and the design process involved. This article demonstrates how designers can utilize technology and new technology to integrate in product or interactive products with the purpose of enhancing the users experiences. In the aid of design development, designers are able to harness important and explicit knowledge to ably for the end products. Interactive design and service design do come with constraints as they are new field, these added a significantly big potential to create new connectivity from objects to users and services. This new ways have affected design in sociological aspect such as, how design can be used as a tool to connect people with services or on a social aspect.
The advances of the internet   has created many design problems and solutions design, as being connected to a product system can bring a lot of constraint and add complexity  to a designers. Understanding relevant constraint in user experience the best way to achieve a full understanding is to do observational research of the user in question, simulating the experience or acting it out. These observations will allow you to find the needs and the wants of the users, their preconceptions, mental models and expectation; these facts will help to come up with design ideas, creative leaps and first solution. Constrains are key to understanding a design problem, designers are enabled and controlled by the constraints that they come to understand.
Experience prototypes is essential as it brings derive insights into existing experiences, investigating design ideas and communicating design concepts.  Prototyping an experience is focused on the conceptual experience of the user. Thanks to experience prototyping, it can be used to explore, evaluate and communicate design ideas during the development process, and to gain a better development of the user experience and the tangible components which create it as well as eliminating some flows to narrow it down to final products. By directly experiencing a prototype a client, a colleague, or a user can straight away understand the subjective value of the design idea allowing those interaction to critique about it for potential further improvement. Human factor trial with experience prototypes allow quick evaluations of a wide range of design concepts and the key to a successful experience design is to combine the user testing with the rapid prototypes. There are others way to communication and experience prototypes such as sharing a video with the goal of learning new experiences with an audience, to avoid the designer to design for himself experience prototyping with the intended user group can be a great help.
Interactive product design is where the physical product is integrated with the electronic hardware and software, people are interacting with ubiquitous computing devices that sometimes user don’t think of them as machines at all but rather as a product that is responsive or even intelligent in some ways. There are two ways where physical object and electronic hardware and software can be integrated in a product. One is a screen is embedded in the product the designer must consider the relationships to physical controls and the overall form factor. Two in the absence of a screen the designer can rely on ambient feedback, using light, sounds or movement. Where the physical object is kept as simple as possible, the interactive is more about the experience. By understanding the perceptions, circumstances, habits, needs and desired of the user a successful interaction design can be achieved.


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