Saturday 12 September 2015

WEEK 8 The Messaging Kettle

The Messaging Kettle
Margot Brerenton

The messaging kettle is an example of new and novel ways of emotive communication that are made possible through interactive technology, and assist elderly people in maintaining social connections and active healthy lifestyles. The design focuses more on fostering social engagement rather than just monitoring of an older persons welfare.

The method of augmenting and enhancing an existing routine is similar to this semester’s project, and many design issues raised are applicable;

  • The design approach stresses the importance of using “habituated” objects that an elderly user is already familiar with, rather than introducing a completely new technology into their lives. 
  • Social communication can be intertwined with habitual use of objects, and tasks and gestures associated with the ritual. A context aware approach to interactive product design is a good way for designers to create new experiences without complicating them.
  • The use of prototypes in the case study were successful in gaining valuable feedback from intended users, and exploring preferred interaction modalities.

  • The salient point raised in the reading is the attention paid to design interactions around existing habits and routines, using a product the elderly users are already familiar with.

  • Testing using prototypes revealed how the test users wanted an assortment of ways to customise their experience, drawing attention to how interaction designers need to create experiences with some fluidity that can be tailored to the individual user to some degree.This is a good example of design in use, and prototype testing as a technique for refing and developing design ideas. 

  •  Older users may be more receptive to new technology if its embeded in a familiar object or experience.

-Darcy Storr

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