Saturday 19 September 2015

WEEK9 Exploring Movement

For my interaction design I am using motion as the primary feedback. As the user performs a stretching routine the object will stretch in response, when the user relaxes between stretch repetitions the object will contract, mimicking their movements and providing auditory alerts to indicate how long to hold each stretch for.

Using paper sketch models I explored ways of movement that would be suitable for the particular types of stretch being performed.

Horizontal Linear Movement

 Movement across 2 Axis

 Expanding Outwards & Enlarging 

Expanding Outwards

My aim is to find a shape that's aesthetically pleasing to the user when it's in both expanded and contracted forms, and also transforms and moves in a way that's suitably reflects the particular stretches being performed. I will also need to develop a system of gears to turn rotation into the particular object movement required.

-Darcy Storr

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