Sunday 20 September 2015

WEEK 10 Prototype Interactions

There's still a few issues to work out in the code, mainly regarding the anti-clockwise rotation speed when the object contracts. I may also need to calibrate how sensitive the photoresistor is, and adjust the threshold for when stretches are performed incorrectly.

Components I've used in the circuit

This senses light from morning sunshine entering the room, and acts a switch for the object to begin moving.

Ultrasonic Sensor
This is used to determine proximity and position of arms stretching towards the object

Servo Motor 
This rotates 45° to expand and contract the fan segment

Piezo Buzzer
This plays 4 unique tones;
Tone 1- Indicates when a correctly performed stretch has begun
Tone 2 - A counter tone indicates how long to hold the stretch for
Tone 3 - An alert tone if a stretch is performed incorrectly
Tone 4 - A celebratory tone for when a set of repetitions is performed

This is the stretch being performed. The user stretches their arms towards the objects sensor, which is mounted on the wall facing them.

-Darcy Storr 


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